Location: | In-person at Hazen Union School |
Dates and Times: | October 14, 2023 – May 18, 2024. One Saturday a month (see dates below) spread across the school year from October 2023 to May 2024.Oct. 14, 2023, Nov. 4, 2023, Dec. 2, 2023, Jan. 6, 2024, Feb. 3, 2024, March 9, 2024, April 6, 2024, May 18, 2024, Times: 10am - 3:30pm |
Credits: | 3 graduate |
Tuition: | $1,195 |
“Dare To Be Me” (DTBM) is a pedagogical philosophy and practice that invites students and teachers to embark on a personal and educational journey of courage, growth, belonging, and expression. It aims to turn the traditional public school system on its head by fostering aliveness through exploration and dialogue grounded in deep connection to place, to each other, and to their full selves. In this course, educators engage in a process of self-discovery and empowerment so they can help promote a collaborative school culture that is centered on holistic wellbeing. Participants will spend active time in Nature, learn a variety of mindfulness activities, practice quiet introspection, and discuss how their own and their students' mental, physical and emotional wellbeing impacts classroom culture and academic achievement. Through different forms of reflective journaling, they will form a vision of who they want to be as a teacher and colleague.
This course will be held at Hazen Union School and on the Hardwick Trails and will go throughout the whole school year. Most of the time will be spent outside, even in winter. Weather appropriate clothing is therefore absolutely necessary. Participants will also be asked to sign a liability waiver on the first day of the class.
Audience: All Educators (including PK-12 teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, school-based clinicians, school nurses, school support staff (limited to 12 participants)
Course Objectives:
Required Readings:
Excerpts from the recommended readings and beyond (printed copies will be provided)
Recommended Readings:
Brackett, M. (2019). Permission to feel: The power of emotional intelligence to achieve well-being and success. Celadon Books.
Brown, B. (2021). Atlas of the heart: Mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience. Penguin Random House.
Heath, C., & Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to change things when change is hard. Crown Publishing.
Kagge, E. (2020). Walking: One step at a time. Vintage Books.
Menakem, R. (2017). My grandmother’s hands: Racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies. Central Recovery Press.
Muhammad, G. (2023) Unearthing joy: A guide to culturally and historically responsive teaching and learning. Scholastic Inc.
Murphy Paul, A. (2021). The extended mind: The power of thinking outside the brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing.
Shalaby, C. (2017). Troublemakers: Lessons in freedom from young children at school. The New Press.
Shevrin Venet, A. (2021). Equity-centered trauma-informed education. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Su, F. (2020). Mathematics for human flourishing. Yale University Press.
Van Der Kolk, B. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. Penguin Books.
Wall Kimmerer, R. (2013). Braiding sweetgrass: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants. Milkweed Editions.
Walker Leslie, C. (2015). The curious nature guide: Explore the natural wonders all around you. Storey Publishing.
Welling, T. (2014). Writing wild: Forming a creative partnership with nature. New World Library.
Center for Schools Team
(802) 468-1325