Course Number: | EDX 5710 S36 |
Instructor: | Melinda Robinson, M.Ed. |
Location: | Online asynchronous, full online using Canvas without scheduled meeting times. |
Dates and Times: | Feb 03 - Mar 16, 2025 |
Credits: | 3 Graduate Credits |
Tuition: | $1,195 |
This is a 6-week online course, geared for 2nd grade-8th grade teachers. We begin the course by looking at growth mindset and how the idea of “grit” is critical in a goal-focused classroom. We will then be exploring using student engaged assessments to help students think through their own learning needs and set goals for themselves that will focus their academic growth. The course also looks at ways that the teacher can conference with students to keep focus on the individual goals. Finally, we will explore setting classroom goals for growth as a whole community and celebrating learning.
Audience: 2nd grade-high school with an earned Bachelor's Degree.
By the end of the course:
Melinda Robinson, M.Ed.
Melinda is the Principal at Randolph Elementary School. She has taught many courses through the Vermont State University Center for Schools.
Course Schedule:
Week 1: February 3rd- Introduction to goal setting.
-Read Chapter One of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-materials on week one of the Google Site
-introduction of ourselves to the community
-Discussion forum for week one
Week 2: February 10th- Growth Mindset in a Goal Oriented Classroom & Learning Targets
-Read Chapter 2 of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-materials on week 2 of the Google Site
-Assignment- Create a lesson (or series of lessons) to introduce
GRIT or Growth Mindset to your students.
-Discussion forum for week 2
Week 3: February 17th- Data Dives to Develop Goals
-Read chapter 3 of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-materials on week 3 of the Google Site
-Assignment- In a single subject (or more if you would like) determine
the data that you could have students analyze on a regular basis. The
Considering the reading from last week on Learning Targets, what
data could students analyze for these targets and supporting learning
- Discussion forum for week 3
Week 4: February 24th- Writing Goals with Students
-Read Chapter 4 of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-materials on week 4 of the Google Site
- Create a lesson, or series of lessons, that walks students
through analyzing a set of data and creating SMART goals.
- Determine how students will track their data over time. This
might be a simple tracking sheet, or you might want to design
a data notebook to be used.
-Discussion forum for week 4
Week 5: March 3rd- Conferring with Students
-Read Chapter 5 of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-materials on week 5 of the Google Site
-Discussion forum for week 5
Week 6: March 10th- Setting Classroom Goals and Celebrating Learning
-Read Chapter 6 and conclusion of Step Into Student Goal Setting by Chase Nordengren
-Assignment- Detail a classroom goal that you might make with your
class on an academic push or social or habit need that the class has
shown and detail how you could lead the class through the goal
setting. Also, show a model for how you could display the classroom
goal to show growth.
-Discussion forum for week 6
-Course evaluation
Required texts are not included in the course tuition.
Step Into Student Goal Setting. Chase Nordengren. Corwin Publishing. 2022 edition
All other materials will be provided on a Google Site.
(540) 998-4176
(802) 468-1325