The Spartan Pledge: For the well-being of the community during COVID-19
A culture of safety, accountability, and responsibility to one another is essential as the Castleton University community addresses the challenges posed by COVID-19. Therefore you are being asked to take the Spartan Pledge to declare your commitment to protect yourself, others, and the community. Complying with the expectations outlined in the pledge helps protect our entire community. Disregarding these expectations and requirements exposes the community to elevated risk and is contrary to our community standard of cultivating respect and responsibility for self and others in our shared environment.
All Faculty, Staff, and Students are required to take the pledge signifying your agreement to live up to these expectations. The link to complete the pledge commitment form is found on your Castleton Portal front page on the lower right side titled “Spartan Pledge.” (see attached screenshot for location). Please review, sign, and submit the form prior to your arrival to campus or the beginning of classes August 18, whichever is sooner.
Thank you for your commitment to our community and the safe environment we must maintain.
You can read the Spartan Pledge here.