May 18: A Message from the Dean of Students - Five Phases for a Safe Return to On-campus Operations
Dear Campus Community,
The Emergency Management Team is developing strategies and protocols to prepare Castleton University for a safe return to on-campus operations. We have formed the Enhanced-EMT (E-EMT), consisting of 15 individual task forces, to oversee this challenge.
There will be five stages to our return to normal operations. Currently, we are in stage two, where only those meeting the Vermont State definition of essential personnel are working on campus. All other employees should remain working from home until we move into further stages.
E-EMT Presentation on May 15
Five Phases for a safe return to on-campus operations
A response team will coordinate a staged re-opening under an enhanced EMT structure.
Additional personnel will be added as needed for full campus participation in the re-opening of Castleton University's main campus and all of its affiliated locations and programs. EMT will use a subcommittee structure for more specific or specialized tasks associated with re-opening.
Stage 1: Limited Essential Personnel
- A limited number of students are living on campus, in apartments, or at Killington Lodge
- Staff working from home where possible
- All buildings closed to the public
- Limited access to the mailroom on the posted schedule
- Limited access to grounds as posted
- Health logs as mandated by State
Stage 2: Residents Retrieve Personal Belongings
- This is a temporary stage invoked by the removal or adjustment of the Governor's Stay at Home directives.
- Students will be given appointments to retrieve personal items.
- Blocks: 9 – 12:00 noon, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Stage 3: An increase in Employees
- This is a stage when an increase in staff is needed or warranted under any changes in the Governor's Stay at Home directives.
- As we transition from spring semester to summer, we may need to adjust for essential needs.
- As Spartan Arena opens or closes, staff may be adjusted.
- Buildings remain closed to the public.
Stage 4: A Limited Open Campus
- This stage assumes some open areas on campus for the public, such as Admissions, Library, Public Safety, Registration/Financial Services Outside facilities.
- Staff may still be working from home, or partial weeks on campus.
- Some buildings may be open; some remain closed to the public.
- Access and traffic patterns may be directed or limited.
- Checkpoints for safety may be present for the public.
- Cleaning Protocols to minimize COVID19 must be well established and implemented.
Stage 5: Open Campus
- Most, if not all, buildings return to "normal" operating hours and access.
- Checkpoints for safety may be present for the public.