All students checking in should enter campus through the Seminary Road entrance. You will proceed past the Fine Arts Center and the back of the Library where you will be directed to the Residence Life check-in tent located in the Jeffords Parking Lot.
All students moving in on August 11, August 19 or August 22 should check in with the Residence Life tent in the Jeffords Parking Lot first. Here you will meet our Residence Life Staff who will give you your assigned room key, student ID (new students), and help direct you to your assigned residence hall. Note: do not go directly to your building until you have checked in with us at the tent.
At your residence hall, visit the check-in table and meet with a Community Advisor. They will walk you up to your room to fill out all check-in paperwork with you and answer any questions you might have.
Orientation will begin on the morning of August 20, 2021 at 9 A.M. This will be a two day event and more details about orientation will be sent by email shortly.
Students who studied remotely last year that will be living on campus for the first time this fall have two options:
Moving in on August 19 commits you to participating in the special activities planned on August 20 and 21. There will be no special activities planned for student moving in on August 22.
New Castleton Students (first-year and transfer students) can check into the residence halls on Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Please make sure you check into your building as close as possible to your allotted time.
If you are moving into one of the following buildings your move in time will be 10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Adams Hall
Castleton Hall
Ellis Hall
Hoff Hall
Morrill Hall
If you are moving into one of the following buildings your move in time will be 1 P.M. to 3 P.M.
Audet House
Babcock Hall
Haskell Hall
North House
South House
Wheeler Hall
The Office of Residence Life understands that some students will be traveling from a distance on move in day. Please do your best to arrive during your allotted time. We understand that you may not arrive during your building move in time. We understand and still want everyone to check in when they arrive. Please follow the move in day procedures and come to the Residence Life check in tent. All students must check in before 3 P.M.
Killington Resort Students: New students can check into the Lodge on Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. Returning Students can check into the Lodge on Sunday, August 29, 2021 from 8 A.M. to 4. On both move in days students should go directly to Castleton Lodge at Killington and check in at the front desk to receive their keys and move in information.
Loft kits will be available for students to pick up in the Haskell Hall basement during the first year and returner move in days. A Residence Life staff member will be staffed at Haskell Hall to help you with your loft kit needs. Outside of these times please contact your Area Coordinator or Residence Life to pick up a loft kit.
Returning Castleton Students and Rutland Apartments can check into the residence halls on Sunday, August 22, 2021 from 10 A.M to 2 P.M. Any returners who miss the move in timeslot must wait until after 7 P.M. on Sunday to check in with the CA's in their building who are on duty.
Sorry, we will not be able to accommodate any early arrivals this year. Please plan to move in during your scheduled timeslots accordingly.
You can find your Room Assignment and Roommate Information when you log in to your eRezLife account:
Once in your account, click the “Housing Applications” tab on the left hand sidebar. This will provide you with your room and roommate information.
If you have any questions about what items to bring, types of residence halls, or room furniture, please check out our website here: