Brad Coupe is an evolutionary animal behavior biologist. In his upper-level courses he challenges students to take an evolutionary approach to biological systems and really think about how those systems work rather than memorize case studies or definitions. It is important for students to experience a diversity of biological habitats and organisms and so he teaches classes that travel to Costa Rica the Mojave Desert of California. He also teaches the introductory Human Anatomy and Physiology sequence for a range of majors.
Brad's specific interests are in reproductive behavior and sexual selection. Sexual selection is a mode of evolution that can result in complex mating rituals, bright coloration or weaponry. These can be used as a basis for mate choice or in competition for access to mates. Brad is primarily interested in reptiles—specifically snakes and lizards—and he has studied them in Ohio, the Pacific island of Guam, and in the Mojave Desert of southern California.
Ph.D., Ohio State University
M.S., Ohio State University
B.S., Gettysburg College