Upward Bound is a college preparation program based at Castleton University and funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Our goal is to prepare and encourage students with high academic ability and potential to increase their knowledge and skills, improve study habits, and achieve self-discipline while developing the attitude and motivation necessary for success in high school and college.
You should be willing to actively participate in both the academic year and summer residential components of the Upward Bound program until graduation from high school. You will also need to agree to follow a "college track" at your school, which will require you to take a math, science, and English class each year until you graduate.
During the academic year, you will be responsible for attending a Saturday Session each month on Castleton’s campus. These sessions will be designed to improve your appreciation of learning while increasing your academic knowledge and skills in the areas of math, science, English, and SAT preparation. Free tutoring may also be provided to assist you in academic areas where you might be experiencing difficulties. You will begin setting personal, academic, and career goals that include planning for college, study skills development, test preparation, and career exploration. Opportunities to visit college campuses, participate in cultural activities and field trips, and attend special events will also be a part of your academic year experience.
The summer residential program is an academically intensive six-week program that will provide you with unique opportunities to experience a wide range of educational, personal development, and social activities. You will live in a residence hall on Castleton’s campus and will attend academic classes in science, English, math, foreign language, and other exciting subjects. Starting with your second summer at Upward Bound, you will have an opportunity to participate in an internship experience where you can learn more about what you’d like your career to be. You will experience personal development workshops, creative activities, supportive mentor groups, game nights, a talent show, an awards ceremony, and so much more. You will also attend an exciting college tour trip during the last week of the summer program. You will go home each Friday afternoon and return to Castleton on Sunday evenings.
Upward Bound is FREE of cost. This includes but is not limited to: tutoring sessions, classroom instruction, books, supplies, field trips, and room and board costs during the six-week summer residential program. A small stipend check will also be given to each student on a regular basis. Criteria for receiving the stipend are full participation in all Upward Bound activities and good standing within the program.
If you are willing to make the commitments necessary to be a member of Upward Bound and want to put forth the effort necessary to prepare for college, you should complete the following Request for Membership. Follow the instructions closely and go to your school counselor or call the Upward Bound office if you have any questions. The Request for Membership must be completed no later than one week from the date of your in-school presentation.