Social Media at Castleton
What is Social Media?
Social media is a means of sharing, creating, or exchanging information with others via the internet through virtual communities and networks. The Office of Advancement manages Castleton’s main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Merit, YouTube, and Snapchat accounts.
The Office of Advancement offers an array of tools for departments looking to form or maintain an existing social media presence to discuss social media goals and strategy, as well as offer best practices, ideas, and insight.
Starting in August 2015, you must submit an Account Request form before creating any social media account. If it is determined you have the content, expertise, and time to maintain a channel, you are required to complete your Social Media Strategy document. Advancement Services is available for guidance at any point during the process.
If you have any existing social media accounts, you are asked to register your account, complete the Social Media Strategy document, and review the information here for best practices, tips, and tricks.
Key Principles for Social Media Managers
- Social media is about conversations, community, connecting with the audience and building relationships.
- Authenticity, honesty, and open dialogue are key.
- Social media not only allows you to hear what people say about you, but enables you to respond. It is a listening tool. Customer service is key.
- Be useful and engaging. Try new things, but strategize, plan, and allow for the time needed before starting them off.
Social Media Guidelines
- Social Media accounts must be in the "CastletonXYZ" format, where "XYZ" is the name of your department, committee, or office. Digital Media can assist you in selecting an appropriate account handle, or changing your old one, if you have an existing account that does not follow this format.
- Only the main Castleton social media accounts may use the stand-alone logo for their social media profile image. We do have other options for you to incorporate this logo into your profile image, and are happy to build this for your use.
- The Marketing and Communications Office and the Athletics Communications office have built a best practice guide for your use.
- Students that have access to your social media accounts need to fill out a Student Social Media Ambassador Agreement form. It is best practice to change the passwords for your accounts once a semester as students workers/interns change over.
- The Marketing and Communications Office has the right to deactivate an account, or request that a page is deactivated, after a 30-day period of inactivity.
Castleton Social Media Strategy - Purpose
The purpose of the Castleton University social media strategy is to ensure that we:
- Use social media as an integral part of an overall communications strategy at Castleton
- Leverage current outlets while also maintaining a clear vision for how we can continue to engage new audiences as the landscape changes
- Tell the Castleton story – stories that reflect the institution's core values – and engage our audience in new and interesting ways
- Support our departments, offices, and entities at Castleton in their social media endeavors by providing guidance and best practices
Castleton Social Media Strategy - Goals
- Use a variety of social-media platforms that reach the institution’s various audiences to provide users with a sense of community
- Convey the key messages of the institution to a broad audience
- Enhance the reputation for Castleton’s social media presence as an important forum for conversations about a range of issues
- Ensure consistency in style and approaches to social media across the institution, while recognizing the necessity to tailor tone and platforms to various constituencies
- Guide and help academic and administrative units with their social media strategies
- Stay on top of trends and new technologies
- When considering a new platform, perform cost-benefit analyses to determine if what is in the interests of the for-profit companies that host the social media platforms is also in the best interest of Castleton, noting that not every department or communications entity at the institution will use every social media platform -- nor should it.