Town of Castleton Chartered
New Hampshire Governor Benning Wentworth chartered the town of Castleton.
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
The Primary Header is for the primary page title and should only be used once. This is added through the page editor under the field "Page Header" and should not be added again in the Page Content section.
The Sub Title Header provides an easy way to break your page up into Sub Sections.
The Third Level Header is used to separate sub sections with a clear sense of hierarchy within a Sub Section.
The Fourth Level Header provides yet another level to help break a page up into easily digested sections.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, velit jugis dignissim scisco typicaus, feugait abico, vel in. Brevitas persto quidne feugait lucidus this is bold copy premo opes saluto. Vindico interidco ingenium macto hendrerit facilisi os typicus accumsan dignissim velit faugait adipiscing pagus autem. Proprius letalis exerci nisl facilisi, pala this is italic copy. Sit, blandit magna haero hos, pala minim. Enim tincidunt conventio macto abico delenit refoveo si nobis, quibus typicus rusticus. Gravis odio nutus ludus, inhibeo, importunus, nisl tamen nunc gemino, distineo in feugait ex. Accumsan nobis commodo consequat pagus ulciscor dolore.
Dolor nostrud usitas facilisi commoveo paratus ille facilisi autem dolus eligo iaceo augue exputo. Mauris camur paulatim sagaciter defui typicus suscipit. Praesent roto ut multo quibus inhibeo autem, ne nimis torqueo ventosus vicis, nonummy ut.
The following outlines the best practices for organizing content in the Castleton website. Under no circumstances should you copy and paste content from a word processor or existing internet page directly into the CMS page editor. When content is directly pasted from word processors or an internet page, the copy may retain its existing styling which will make it look different than the rest of the Website.
Let's go over a simple way to organize your content on the page:
The page header is the title of your page. This is also referred to as Header 1. Because it is used as the title, there can only be one Header 1 per page. This is added through the CMS page editor as the "Page Header." The intro blurb is added underneath the Page Header as the "Page Intro". Underneath these two fields in the page editor is the "Page Content," where the rest of the content is included.
The page is broken down into sections, with titles for each of those sections. The titles to these sections are called headings. Headings start with the most general and overarching title, Heading 1 (h1), and go down to the most specific, Heading 4 (h4). Again, there can only be one h1, but you can have as many of the others as you like. When writing titles and subtitles, keep in mind that they should be a clear and concise summation of the content that follows.
Headings should always follow a clear order. Say, for example, you have a page called "Facts & Figures" that is broken into three sections called "The Academic Program," "The People," and "The Place." And "The People" is broken into three subsections called "Students," "Student Honors Earned," and "Faculty." Your page should be organized like this:
As you'll notice, any subsection that sits under Heading 2 is a Heading 3. Let's say we add two subsections to each Heading 3 item. The page would then look like this:
Data Type | Number | Letter |
Data 1 | 1 | A |
Data 2 | 2 | B |
Data 3 | 3 | C |
5 Sample Way
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New Hampshire Governor Benning Wentworth chartered the town of Castleton.
Noah Lee and Amos Bird are usually given credit as the town's founders.
The school conferred some 1400 medical degrees until it closed in 1862.
By the Civil War, the majority of the students attending Castleton were young women.
When asked to make a speech, Captain Hope replied, "I cannot speak, but I can fight!"
She was 27 years old at the time.
A "Normal School" is a teacher training school.
He and son Philip Leavenworth guided Castleton until 1911.
Principal Caroline Woodruff battled to save the institution. Quoting the Bible, she promised, "And the glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former."
Richard Dundas was president.
and they became NAIA national co-champions.
Today's Leavenworth was built on the site.
Since then, more than 800 SOS members have welcomed new students to campus, helped them to succeed, and served as a bridge from one class to the next.
He said, "First and foremost, and very simply, we must remain a small college with a big heart."
The effort has since grown into a focus on sustainability.
The Pavilion is the largest venue of its kind in the state.
The new website design offers easier navigation of the site, a more efficient way to stay on top of Castleton news, and showcases our small college with a big heart.
On July 23, 2015, Vermont State Colleges Board of Trustees unanimously approved modernizing our name to Castleton University.
She is the fourth woman to lead the University since its founding in 1787.